Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week One

 my self. my society. my cosmos.



SELF: My experiences define not just my perception the world, by my perception of myself. Through every experience, there is something to be gained and applied to a future moment. I feel as though I know certain things because of logic, reason, emotion and intuition. Finding the core of myself requires breaking the barriers of my conscience, in other words, allowing my thoughts the freedom to express themselves either physically or verbally. I feel as though we all have a more far-reaching purpose in life- to connect to others. To help others, to love others, to entertain others, we learn the most about ourselves through our relationships with other people... or at least I do. I feel as though I am quite spiritual. I connect with the universe. I accept and embrace reality. I'm fatalistic and believe, wholeheartedly, that I was put onto this planet for a reason. 

SOCIETY:As mentioned before, I believe we are put onto this planet to connect to others. Everything I have been taught influences me, and I attribute this knowledge to my society; my teachers, my parents, my friends, and the media. I feel more relevant today than ever, social media is the only platform that really informs the general public of worldly events. It can even be more simple. Whether it be the latest fashion trend, or newest cellular upgrade, changes in society are everything. They influence who we want to be, what we want to do, and how we want to do it. There's a reason why nobody still wears a perm, and that's because society moved on from the 80's and started becoming more digital. I believe society defines the time; the past, present and future.  

COSMOS: The galaxy is huge. The cosmos relay everything in it's natural order. The cosmos is a system, a set of independent components coming together to complete a whole. Below is my diagram of what I perceive the cosmos of space to be. The longest set of clay stretching diagonally along the floor represents all of the planets we know to be an existence. The yellow represents stars and electricity. There are many planets in existence that remain to be undiscovered, as evidenced by the far-reaching height of another universe stretching from the bottom left to the middle of the space. The blue represents a galaxy as the pink below represents many a moon in the distance. I really wanted to showcase a cluster, because my perception of the cosmos is that is has a structure, behavior and interconnectivity. The cosmos connects the self and the society, just the self and the cosmos connect the society, just as the society and cosmos connect to the self. In short.... 

                                             WE ARE ALL CONNECTED!!!!!!!!!!